Haihao Group’s Engineers make PQR for welding of pipe spools
Pipe spools are fabricated from pipes, pipe fittings or flanges. The main work of fabrication is welding. To guarantee the quality of welding, our engineers must make PQR and WPS in advance.
What is PQR? PQR stands for procedure qualification record, which is the record of the welding data used to weld a test coupon. The related standard is ASME BPVC Section IX. The material of pipe spools was ASTM A516 Gr.60. Our engineers prepared three sets of test coupons.
- Our senior welders welded the test coupons.
- Our engineers checked the welding joints.
- The test coupons were sent to heat treatment workshop for PWHT. The temperature is 600℃ to 650℃,the time was one hour.
- The specimens were sent to laboratory for testing
- Radiographic test and Ultrasonic test
- Mechanical property test
After all works are finished, our engineers made the PQR. Three engineers attended the making of PQR. Eng. Zhang wrote the record, Eng. Liu Audit the record, Eng. Li authorized the record.